Matthew S. Wild

With more than 25 years of experience, Matt has represented clients in a diverse range of antitrust matters including litigation, mergers and counseling. Matt has been appointed co-lead counsel (along with Max Wild) in national class actions in which they recovered millions of dollars. 

Matt also has represented clients in significant and varied commercial litigation, including banking, consumer protection, director and officer liability, partnership, securities, shareholder derivative and unfair competition claims.


  • J.D., New York University School of Law
    • Associate Editor, New York University Law Review
  • B.A., cum laude, University of Rochester

Select Publications:

  • Market Definition in Antitrust: Theory and Case Studies, ABA Antitrust Section (2012) (Contributing Author)
  • "Pitfalls to Avoid in Proving Price Fixing Damages," ABA Antitrust Litigator (Spring 2006)
  • “Private Equity Groups Under Common Legal Control Constitute A Single Enterprise,” 3 New York University Journal of Law & Business 231 (Fall 2006) (Co-Author)
  • "Buyer Beware: Consummating Non-HSR Reportable Transactions May Prove Costly in the End," ABA Antitrust Litigator (Winter 2007) (Co-Author)

Select Prior Experience:

  • Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP
  • White & Case LLP


  • New York
  • District of Columbia

Contact: (914) 630-7500, Extension 7001

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.
John F. Kennedy